How are the dummy rules, rules and procedures to play

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For dummy cards, although it is a card game that is quite complicated to play. But for Thai people it has been very popular. Because this card game. It is both fun and requires thinking together. And for anyone who still does not know how the rules, rules and regulations of play are dummy. Today, admin will come to explain the details. for everyone to understand which if ready Let’s go see.

dummy rules, rules of play

For the rules of playing dummy cards There will be a major part that is the number of players you need to know. how many people can play and besides, you Should know details about card points, vocabulary in playing cards and deduction of card points as well in order to understand and used in the process of playing properly What will the details be? Let’s go see.

card points

For counting the points of each dummy card There will be different values. which will be divided into 4 categories as follows:

The first category is cards 2♠2 ♥ 2 ♦ /3♠3 ♥ 3 ♦ 3♣/4♠4 ♥ 4 ♦ 4♣/5♠5 ♥ 5 ♦ 5♣/6♠6 ♥ 6 ♦ 6♣/ 7♠. 7 ♥ 7 ♦ 7♣ 8♠8 ♥ 8 ♦ 8♣/9♠9 ♥ 9 ♦ 9♣ is worth 5 points each.

The second category is cards 10♠10 ♥ 10 ♦ 10/J♠J ♥ J ♦ J♣/Q ♥ Q ♦ Q♣/K♠K ♥ K ♦ K♣ are worth 10 points each.

The third category is A♠A ♥ A ♦ A♣, all colors are worth   15 points each.

The fourth category is the spate 2♣ clubs and Q♠ spades, the highest value is 50 points .

The process of playing cards dummy

Now that we know the vocabulary to play, let’s move on to the process of playing dummy cards. In order for you to see more pictures of how to play, how to play, how to play the cards, which the first step is for 1 player to deal cards to all members, for example, all 4 players are dealt 7 cards each and The dealer will turn the first card into the middle (called the head card, which is worth 50 points) , and the remaining cards from the deal are placed face down against the community card. to be a draw card

Begin the process of playing dummy cards.

1. Give the first player Look at the cards (head cards) in the middle. If can bring with the cards in hand Then pick up the head card and combine it with the card in your hand, then take the combined card and turn it face down. In front of your own lap and discard 1 card in your hand instead of the card that was picked up.

But if the first player Look at the cards (head cards) in the middle. and can’t happen, then draw a card from the draw pile up 1 card and if the card that is drawn can not be born again Discard any card in your hand into the middle.

but if drawn can be born then turn over the cards that will occur Or you can keep it in your hand and then discard another card instead of the card drawn.

2. Next to the second player Look at the cards that the first player has. Dropped into the center that it can be born if it can be born. Then pick up the community card and combine it with the card in your hand. Then take the combined card and turn it face down. Face your lap and discard 1 card in your hand. Come down instead of the cards that are picked up

In the event that the second player Look at the cards that the first player has dropped. Can’t be born Let the second player draw a card from the draw pile. and when drawn. It cannot happen again Discard any card in your hand. The center instead of the cards that are picked up.

but if drawn can be born. Just turn up the card that will be born. You can keep it in your hand and then discard another card instead of the card drawn up as before.

Then have the third and fourth players do this and so on. Until there is one player in all of these 4 cards, then knock   , then it will be the end of the game immediately.

And when everyone understands about the process of playing how to play Next, we’ll look at how the dummy cards are counted. Or how are the points deducted? including calculating the payout after the game Let’s see how each person pays.