If talking about Sic Bo gambling games Do you know where this gambling game originated. How to play folk dice in Thailand. How are we today, admin will take you all Let’s find out at the same time. What interesting details are there? Let’s go and see.
What is Hilo?
for Sic Bo betting games is a type of gambling with origin by Chinese builders Has brought the bricks used for construction to make a device for playing, that is, will write numbers 1-6 on all 6 bricks, then this brick will be thrown if the facing side comes out which number It will be a reward.
Later, this Sic Bo game has been called in Chinese as “Sic Bo” , which is how to play it. has evolved to change according to time with the introduction of dice instead of bricks because it makes me feel It’s easier to play and not as heavy as a brick.
which the popularity of playing dice has expanded to all over the world including Korea and the Philippines by these countries Has been renamed from Sic Bo to “Sic Bo” and for our country Sic Bo has been played as well, in the past, he would call it a folk sic bo, which is how the playing equipment will be. Let’s look at the next section together.
What are the equipment for playing local sic bo?
Folk dice gambling is a type of gambling. That most Thai people in the past were very popular to play. Which the playing equipment There are as follows (3 dice), (rubber plate for placing 1 bet), (dice saucer or dice ball) and (1 cover or lid), all of which It will be a device for issuing prizes, so let’s see how important each device is. If ready, let’s start with the first piece.
1. Dice
It uses 3 dice with a black (●) or red (●) dot symbol on each side of the dice. which has a total of 6 sides, is the result of the prize and points on each side The scores are counted differently as follows:

2. Rubber sheet
In play, there is a rubber map with the same symbols as the symbols on the face of the dice. which this rubber sheet will have for placing bets in the symbols that want to bet

3. Dice Saucer
There is a plate for dice or dice balls to make the prize. You can understand from the picture below.

4. Cover or lid
For a cover or a lid, it is there to cover the dice while being shaken. and let the players guess the prize that in the lid What is the reward?

When you all know that each type of equipment how is it important Next, let’s study how to play.
How to play local dice
For how to play folk dice There will be a total of 7 playing styles, each of which has Different pay rates. Today, admin will give you an example of how to play in each format. The details are as follows.
1. Low-High betting pattern
For low-high bets It is a bet on the total points of the symbols of all 3 dice that will result in a point reward. low or high which the score is counted Will be separated as follows: low is 4-10 points, high is 11-17 points, which is a form of betting like this There will be a payout rate equal to 1 : 1.

for example
You bet, bet is low, the amount is 10 baht. The score is counted equal to 9 points. Indicating that you have won. It will receive a total prize money equal to 20 baht (which includes a total capital of 10 baht)

2. Format of favorite bets (specify points or specify symbols)
For favorite bets are betting on specific points or specific symbols. Such as predicting the outcome of the prize draw of 1 out of 3 dice that will be drawn. Which this form of betting will have a payout rate equal to 1 :1

for example
In the case of one time, when you bet 3 points, the amount of 10 baht. The result of the prize of the three dice comes out as a symbol as in the example in the picture below. Show that you have won the favorite bet. It will receive a total prize money equal to 20 baht (which includes a total capital of 10 baht)

Double case is when you bet, bet 10 baht. The result of the prize of all three dice comes out as a symbol as shown in the picture below. Show that you have won a favorite bet and will receive 2 times the total prize money. Which is a total of 30 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital)

Triplex case is when you bet, bet on a score of 10 baht, the result of the prize of the three dice comes out as the symbol in the picture below. Show that you have won a favorite bet and will receive 3 times the total prize money, which is a total of 40 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital)

3. The pattern of stabbing Tod
For the form of betting Toad is betting on 2 out of 3 dice, the result is the pair we have chosen. which this form of betting The payout rate is 1: 5

for example
When you bet on Tod 3, 4, the amount of 10 baht, the result of the prize of the three dice comes out as the symbol in the picture below. Show that you have won the prize and will receive a total prize money equal to 60 baht (which includes a total capital of 10 baht)

4. Toad betting style (specify points or specific 3 symbols)
For specific betting patterns, the three dice are betting on all 3 dice, resulting in the chosen reward. which this form of betting The payout rate is 1: 15

for example
When you bet on Tod 1, 2, 3, the amount of 10 baht, the result of the prize of all three dice comes out as a symbol as shown in the picture below. Show that you have won a specific bet on 3 dice and will receive a total prize money of 160 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital).

5. Low 5 bet pattern
The form of bets on 5 low is betting on 1 of the 3 dice that results in a symbol of
5 points, 1 ball, while the result of the remaining 2 dice must have a total of not more than 5 because if the remaining dice are both These 2 balls are combined with the dice that are equal to 5 points, and all 3 dice must have a total score of not more than 10, so it is called low 5, which in this betting style There will be a payout rate of 1: 5

for example
When you bet, bet 5 low, amount 10 baht if the result of the prize of all three dice. come out as a symbol One of the 6 designs shown in the picture below. Show that you won 5 low prizes and you will receive a total prize money equal to 60 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital).

6. 11 Sic Bo betting patterns
Bet on 11 Hi-Lo is a bet that gives the reward of all 3 dice with 11 points equal to 11 points, which this format of 11 Hi-Lo bets will have a payout rate of 1: 5.

for example
When you bet on 11 Sic Bo, the amount is 10 baht. If the result of the prize of all three dice come out as a symbol One of these 6 types as shown in the image below. Show that you won 11 dice and you will receive a total prize money equal to 60 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital).

7. Low 6 bet pattern
Finally, for the 6-low betting pattern, which is betting, the dice will award the result as a symbol
( ) 6 points, 1 ball, while the result of the remaining 2 dice must have no more than 4 total points, which when taking the dice All 3 balls together must have a total score of not more than 10 to be called a 6 under and this betting style. There will be a payout rate of 1: 5

for example
When you bet, bet 6, low, amount 10 baht if the result of the prize of all three dice. come out as a symbol one of the 4 designs as shown in the picture below Show that you won 6 low prizes and you will receive a total prize money equal to 60 baht (which includes 10 baht in capital).

Everyone already knows. how to play folk dice, which if everyone has read and understood, you will see that there are 7 types of playing styles together in each form It’s not complicated at all, and the advantage is that when you understand how to play folk dice Next, if you will play Sic Bo online It will become very easy for you because you already have the basics of playing local dice. See you again in the next article. If you interested membership with us UFABET